Someday …

Day 48

Someday I’ll actually go through and use what I’ve been packing into these cartons. I’m moving … not across town but across the country … so, it will be expensive. However, there I was, last night, holding the (pretty) green bottle of eucalyptus and rosemary foot cream like it was my newborn child and vacillating between dumping it (heaven forbid) or keeping it (which I did).

Now, that specific (pretty) green bottle of lotion does not carry any special memory (have no idea where or when I got it) nor can I honestly tell you, even within a 5 year window or with any certainty, the last time I used it … IF I have ever used it. Maybe it was in the reject pile from Sam’s bathroom?

I don’t know. All I know is, it is going with me! It and about 100 other bottles and jars of lotions and potions and creams and gels and balms and other girly smelly stuff are now packed into the (I will not divulge the number) boxes marked simply: Bathroom – Me.


The house I am (hopefully) moving to has a bathroom the size of a peanut. I’ll be lucky to fit 5 items into the space allotted for such “necessities”. Oh dear. I have a lot of work ahead of me when I get to my destination … cuz, as I told a friend this morning, “I ain’t doin’ it NOW.” Weight and number of boxes be damned. I just don’t have it in me to determine the fate of the half used container of Sweet Clover Body Butter and all the other stuff that is in the bottles and jars that have been residing in my bathroom cabinets.

I packed 3 sets of rollers. Actually 4 – if you count the plastic velcro kind. I have electric rollers for long hair – to be worn in spirals, rollers for shorter hair to fluff up, rollers for some other style unbeknownst to me. I do not need rollers because I am hair-impaired.  It is sparse, thin and short. I don’t even know what to do with them – other than heat them up and throw them onto my head and hope for the best. Why do I need 3 sets? I do not. But they are packed and will probably end up in some Goodwill box in Chicago.

Someday I will learn how to not save everything I have/get/buy. I’ve always thought I’ve been ridiculously organized. Ha … joke’s on me! As I cleaned out my bathroom last night I found the Little Mermaid Bubble Bath that Sam had when she was 4. The bottle is 20 years old. It belongs in some museum – NOT my bathroom cabinet. (It is not coming with me!)

Someday I’ll be discerning in my spoils. I’ll be able to, without any guilt of waste or future need, throw out what I am not using for whatever reason. If there’s an expiration date on something I’m pretty good about getting rid of it … however, I have make-up from the Pleistocene Era. I know it’s probably past it’s time … but who knows when I just might need emerald green eyeshadow again? I mean, really, who knows?

Someday I’ll be able to look at that (pretty) green bottle of eucalyptus and rosemary lotion and say … it’s time. But that time is not now as it’s in box 268 … but someday!

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