Wanda the Weather-Bunny …

Day 141

It’s a good thing I never went into meteorology. A good thing for the public, that is – I probably would have loved it!

I’ve always been fascinated with weather and clouds and up-slopes and down-slopes (whatever they are) and the “high pressure system that is advancing eastward from the NW region”.

I have all the verbage down-pat, however and I would be good at it, if not a bit corny. In that case I’d be living in Podunk, Nowhere cuz that would be the only station that would hire me for saying things like, “Cool tonight, but hot TAMALE.” or “Darkness clearing by morning.”

Ha ha … I crack myself up! Seriously, I’d probably find some way to fit in some cornball oddity or pun or play on words or goofball something and end up being fired before my first meteorological conference in that area.

When I grew up the weatherman had a dumb hat that he always wore. I don’t know but I think it was made from an umbrella. And now I don’t remember why he wore it or what it was but I remember thinking how god awful it was and thanking my lucky stars he was of no relation to me!

I must have been a teenager when I started thinking that guy was supremely dorky – as all teenagers think of anyone over the age of 23 and especially someone wearing an umbrella hat.

This week is to be a scorcher … everywhere I’ve looked on the map. No one is getting a respite from the heat this week. I’ve checked out Denver … 90’s all week and near 100 (again) a couple of those days. Durham … same thing. Chicago … oh dear god, it’s to be 105 on Thursday. I think I will fill the bathtub with water and ice cubes that day and rotate the animals through like a car wash so that everyone stays cool.

Tonight, however, is lovely. So, I went out and planted some new flowers I picked up and repotted some others that were looking a little withered or unhappy. I watered the “lawn” which right now is mostly dirt as I’m waiting for the lines to be marked so I can dig this week and plant in my newly formed beds. Well, I’ll be doing that next weekend cuz I’m not digging when it’s 100 degrees out!

Just after dark I went out to turn off the water. The spigot is out my front door and I don’t often go out my front door and I forgot that the entire area has been scraped of sod and is now dirt. However, I watered. So, it isn’t dirt anymore but mud. Thick, deep, squishy, slippery, oozy through the toes MUD.

Yeah, you guessed it. I did one of those sliding through the mud before falling down into it type of cartoon moves. It was great. I had to hose myself off before turning off the water. And  by the looks of the dog – she’ll be sleeping outside tonight. She is a black lab now if ever I saw one! A happy, wet, muddy stinky poo pig dog.

In any case … it’s cool now and lovely. Cool tonight … hot tamale. And just in case you were wondering … the darkness: it’ll  be clearing by morning.

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