111 …

Day 176

I heard, on the radio today, about Shelby Harris.

And who is Shelby Harris, you ask? He is a man who died last week. He was 111 years old and the oldest man living in the United States. His secret to longevity? LOVE. He said love was the key to his long life.

Now how sweet is that?!


Way to go Shelby! Mr. Harris was born March 31, 1901 and though he was what is called a “supercentenarian” he was not the oldest person still living. He was the third oldest man alive … and the 51st oldest person! Egad … seriously? You live to be 111 and can’t even get first place in being the oldest?

Besse Cooper currently holds that title at 115. She lives in Georgia and is looking forward to her 116th next month!

I can’t even imagine. 

I remember seeing those yogurt commercials when we were younger … when yogurt was just coming around and it was all those old Russians in babushkas and tams looking older than dirt, sitting around eating yogurt and saying, “Jah.” It was supposed to tell us if we ate yogurt we could also live to a ripe old age.

To me it just said you are going to look like this ancient, old lady with a babushka. Why would I want to eat yogurt if THAT was going to happen to me?

Hmmm. Guess the marketing message didn’t reach to 10 year olds.

My grandparents (my dad’s parents) were way ahead of their time. Grandpa made his own yogurt … back in the 70’s. Grandma was into reflexology and yoga. Her sense of style was light years ahead of the trends. Grandpa skated until he was in his 80’s. They were amazing.

I think of what I would do given another half life. For that is what it would be … 56 more years. What would I do? What could I do?

I don’t think my investments would support another 56 years! I’d better get creative.

I think I’d paint … and of course, write … and I think I’d let myself just “be” more than I do. I’d walk more and try to control things less. Start something I was afraid of doing. Learn more. Fret less.

And in just naming those few things … I realize that I don’t have to wait to look back on a life lived of not doing those things … so, changes start today.

There is a poem written by Jenny Joseph called “Warning” … about what she will do when she’s an old woman and finally able to wear purple. I hate that poem. It makes me sad that that woman’s life went by and she didn’t do what she wanted. Lost opportunities. Squashed self-identity. Stagnation. Worry.

In any case … it’s highly doubtful that most of us will live to be 100 or older … so, do what you might save for later NOW. Don’t wait.

Paint with abandon. Write like the wind. Hang upside down from your tree. Do what brings you happiness and fulfillment and joy. Find your passion and share it. Take up a sport. Learn a new skill. Find a hobby. Teach someone what you love to do. Enjoy your days.

And if you’re lucky enough to be like Shelby, you’ll die in your sleep a happy and contented human with love as your secret to your long and happy life.

Way to go, Mr. Harris. 




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