Musings on a Sunday evening …

Day 358

I am up in my office, my treetop room … thinking.

When I was little there used to be a television program on that was Treetop House … a stay-at-home nursery school of sorts. It was on around the time of Romper Room and Captain Kangaroo. Treetop House … it has such a lovely ring to it. And sometimes that is where I feel I am up here with the trees all around me … just without the Play-Doh.

Too bad because I really like Play-Doh.

Anyway, I am up here being clawed at by Gertie. She is trying to get my attention about it being a bit past the dogs’ 6pm dinnertime. Her toe nails need clipping as they just got caught in the knitted cable of my sweater. A sweater that I put on when I want to be extra cozy. It is something I only wear while in the house as it is twenty some years old, baggy, stretched out and absolutely awful looking and just about the coziest thing I’ve ever owned.

I was doing a little tidying up on my desk when a flash happened outside my windows. My first thought was my neighbor – he is learning to drive and I saw him, earlier, going up and down the driveway. But that didn’t make sense as I didn’t hear a crash. And then it happened … THUNDER! It is 32 degrees out and we just had thunder and lightning.

The roads were just wet when I left work this afternoon – the sidewalks were pure ice. An ice storm was pelting us (gently but still pelting) but the temps were rising … good thing or we’d be encased by now. As it is the dogs were practically ice skating across the patio when I let them out a bit ago – the whole area and my outdoor furniture glistening in a shimmering ice coating. Again, I wanted to go out and lick something … what is it with me to want to stick a hot tongue onto a freezing cold metal something? I take comfort in knowing I’m not the only one with such desires. And my children can take consternation knowing that both of their parents have done so/want to do so. Sad. 

And speaking of sad … I am having a hard time getting that dolphin out of my mind. I wish I had not come upon the story (and if you don’t know what I’m talking about skip this part~!). I was a bit concerned that a dolphin was stranded in that polluted canal in New York. I was upset when I heard not only was he in the canal but he was near the wall of the canal – with people watching him … and he was bleeding. Whomever was “in charge” of rescuing that animal did not.  The video was disturbing … the result tragic. The animal died while officials were waiting another day to “see what would happen”. I could have told them that myself – the animal is going to die without intervention.

Sometimes I don’t understand why people aren’t open to animal communication. It made me think that this poor animal went towards people for assistance. And we offered none. Very sad.

In any case … (ooh, more thunder) … I have my own little communicator – giving me the sad puggy eyeballs and the clawing on my sweater. It’s doggy dinnertime and not time for more musings on this Sunday evening.

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