And the Oscar goes to …

February 28th, 2017

And the Oscar for Best Picture goes to …

We don’t know. We’re not sure. Something seems awry but we’re going to pass the problem (nice going, Warren) and have our co-presenter read it anyway. Poor Faye Dunaway – she never saw the bus.

That was astounding to me. Okay – errors happen. Glitches are sometimes unavoidable. But, if you have a question and things don’t look “quite right” or you are confused, why pass it off to someone else? Why not own it. Why didn’t he just take a moment and say, “I think we may have the wrong envelope.” ???? Baffling to me.

All of what happened next could have been avoided by just questioning.

And, yet … as quickly as I am (as we all are) to judge and question someone else’s actions – we can be so acutely oblivious to our own. Is this the right job? Is he/she the right one? Am I fulfilling my potential and purpose? Am I living wisely? Is this a good look? Is this the body I want? If fear and money weren’t factors, what would I do, where would I live, who would I be? If I eat popcorn, can I count it as a vegetable?

How often do we QUESTION ourselves?

If you’re anything like me, that answer is … daily … but I never stick around with that thought long enough to answer!

So, on the eve of yet another new month (where have these past two months gone?!), I am declaring March … ME month. I am going to stick around long enough to answer those questions. I am going to exercise. I am going to eat better/healthier. I am going to figure out some answers! I am not going to pass it along to someone else – cuz that someone else would be the dog and well …

As parents we are nurturers and as women (sorry guys) it’s our nature to be even more so. All those years of having kids and a husband, home and critters, etc etc etc … I was last on the “take care of” list. You know what I’m talking about. And, even now, no husband, kids have flown, and yes, I have a home and critters and they STILL come first over me! So, it’s time to put me first. I’m trying to answer some questions and change some ways here for these next 31 days and see what new paths I can uncover – or at least prompt.

And I’m not talking grandiose gestures of self discovery (yet that would be nice) or selfishness … I’m not going to let the dogs starve and I will feed them before I get on the floor for some stretching … but I will get down on that floor and stretch! I will allow myself 20 minutes of “me” time. I’m talking about small things … because when you do small things, take small steps … every day … they all add up to a bigger piece of the picture being finished in your jigsaw puzzle of life.

Ask questions. Figure out answers. Prompt changes. Put those pieces into place.

I know one question that I will be answering as soon as tomorrow … “Why don’t I use my bath towel more completely?” I will be keenly aware of this when I get out of the shower tomorrow and actually use it for DRYING OFF MY LEGS. I tend not to do that. It’s not that I’m in a rush … it’s not that I’m lazy in the drying department. I just don’t dry them off completely and just assume they are “dry enough”.  Not so. I just need to finish the job!

If you’ve ever watched the sitcom Friends  and the episode with Ross and the leather pants – you’ll have an idea of what I’m talking about. EVERY DAY I get out of the shower and put on yoga pants or leggings before completely drying off my legs. And every morning I hop around the bathroom with my legs stuck halfway in the leggings or yoga pants with what look to be walrus flippers where my feet should be and the pant legs are not pulling up … because my legs are wet! I flop around like a seal out of water and I owe it to my good sense of balance (from doing “flamingo poses” while waiting in line at the post office) that I haven’t yet completely lost my footing, fallen and chipped a tooth on the toilet or busted a chin on the tub!

So, tomorrow I’m starting early and I’m starting small and the question of “Why don’t I dry off my legs?” will be a thing of the past! I think I’ll move on from there to the bigger issues … diet and exercise are givens  … but the question of “What do I want to do when I grow up?” is always looming. It’s been out there, over my head, the monkey on my back, in my dreams, ever-present on every notebook, doodle and to-do list since the dawn of time … so, I’m kind of sick of looking and thinking about it. I think I just need to figure this out and then DO IT! I’m giving myself a month.

It’s a “soft blanket” day today … the sky is mouse gray and though solid – there are puffs here and there like the folds of a blanket. It is thick overhead yet somehow comforting (not oppressive). The view out my window is of my deck railing (with twinkle lights glowing), my neighbor’s shake shingled house next door and her side yard a-twitter with birds at her bird feeder, a carpet of spring green grass, and across the road, on the bluff, is a little red cottage with white smoke billowing out of its chimney. It’s a very cozy scene. The dogs are deep asleep in their morning naps and I’m readying to make breakfast … and to start asking some questions.

And this time I’m going to answer them! Join me!


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