TJ’s …

Day 16

TJ’s sets hearts aflutter, sends tingles down the spine, has been known to make grown women (and men) swoon and drool. TJ’s … (not to be confused with JT aka. James Taylor, although he might do all those things) … is Trader Joe’s. A grocery store. That we, here in the Denver area, still DO NOT HAVE.

We are slow in these here parts of the Wild West. This past year we finally we got an IKEA (seriously … it took THIS long to get here) …  an H&M and a Steak and Shake! Wooo … move the cattle out of the way, Cookie, cuz it looks like we are finally gonna rustle us up a TJ’s.

Finally … (and I mean, really … FINALLY) it was announced on one of this week’s news broadcasts that finally a TJ’s is coming to Colorado. NOT Denver … but up to Boulder … a good hour drive (on a good day). But hey – that’s okay. We will take field trips up and not complain in the slightest because it is closer than Santa Fe, NM (which gets to be a pricey run to get $2 (buck) Chuck because it takes 5 hours – one way + cost of gas + cost of the inevitable speeding ticket). Seriously,  Santa Fe has a TJ’s and WE don’t?! But soon we will and we’ll be able to buy $2 Chuck (by the case) and enjoy it here in town … without all the other hassles!

For those of you who have been living under a rock (sorry, but true) and are wondering, “What’s the fuss?” or “What is Trader Joe’s?” … all I can say is, “OMG people. Where have you been?”

Seriously, it’ll change your life. It isn’t the grocery store of all grocery stores … not like Wegmans of the east coast. THAT one you walk through and think you died and went to grocery store heaven (and I’m pretty sure there is such a place). If you ever get the chance to walk through a Wegmans – do it. Make it a destination! I was in Virginia one lonely Friday night and it took me almost 4 hours to walk through the place and take everything in … from the commercial bakery to the locked, lucite truffle case in the exquisite produce section. And don’t even get me started on their 10 coolers of cheeses!

I digress.

Trader Joe’s cannot be compared to Wegmans because it is not that kind of store. Trader Joe’s screams out (in a very friendly way): organic, fun, healthy, yummy, custom, convenience, pre-made, wholesome, supreme variety and … cheap. And they have free samples.

And don’t even get me started on their flowers or heirloom pumpkins! Botanic gardens and Cinderella would be envious and thrilled with their selections!

Ok, you ask, “What is the deal with TJ’s?” Did you not hear the aforementioned $2 buck Chuck? It is wine. Good wine. For $2 a bottle. We are not talking about wine you’d steal from a wino in a back alley and hide in a paper bag and cringe while trying to swallow it – it’s GOOD wine. And, though I’m not a wine connoisseur, and can’t drink much due to allergies, it’s tasty … and it’s TWO DOLLARS.

Okay … put the wine down.

Take a trip with me now: picture us walking into a Sunflower Market type of place … homespun meets farmers’ market meets you. It’s a small place: intimate, comforting, cheery. The produce section: fruits and veggies are crated (how cute!) and you can find pretty much any vegetable you can think of … and actually afford to take them home. And things are pretty. And things are fresh! And let’s say you are craving guacamole but you don’t want to have to get 3 avocados, a lime, a tomato or two and an onion … you walk over to the display where they sell guacamole kits … all put together, for your convenience, and put one in your basket for some ridiculously low price … like $3.

So, we go through the store and gawk and giggle over the prices and the quality and the choices! You pay for your basket of goodies without having to take out a second mortgage and go home – happy.

And now you’re home (drinking your $2 buck Chuck and eating your $3 of guac) and you remember the frozen and prepared food aisles. (Seriously, I can hardly stand it!) You couldn’t decide on which selection to fill your coffers with so you did an eenie, meenie, minie, moe thing and just filled your basket at random, knowing whatever you picked up would be wonderfully delicious … and can I impress this upon you yet … CHEAP?

So, now you’re drinking your (second bottle of) $2 buck Chuck (cuz hey, it’s $2 and it’s good) and your $3 guac and your $4 lobster ravioli is so completely amazing you don’t know how you survived without a TJ’s for this long.

Well, dream no longer Denverites … finally someone got some sense into them that we really are not just a cow-town nor do we have to ski to the grocery stores or arrive on horseback and that a TJ’s would be just the thing for us out west … here in the wild country.

So, keep watching for upcoming info on the new Trader Joe’s coming to the Applebee’s location up in Boulder, April 2013. Mark your calendars, give me your lists or get in the car with me, point the car to Boulder … and get the hell out of my way! I’m drooling already!


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