
Day 99

For the past two months (and then some) I have been focused on … ME. Good ol’ me, myself and I. And I tell ya … that threesome is getting old. Well, yes, we are getting older – but the constant focus on ME and my stuff and being totally absorbed in what I need to do and get done and the like is getting old.

I don’t like it.

I’m feeling selfish and well … un-me. I’m feeling like a lousy friend. And I don’t like that either.

So, until further notice here are the answers to the questions about me …

1. I’m fine. Tired, but fine. Exhausted, but doing okay. Fine, fine, fine and … well, fine.

2. The house is really cute. Tiny, but cute. Super tiny, but cute. Really super tiny, but cute!

3. The animals are adjusting slowly. Mobes is liking the bathtub (hiding out), Dori is freaked out by the many stairs and has taken up shreiking (lovely), Gertie thinks the drain in the basement is her personal toilet, and Oscar and Henry think they have died and gone to heaven. They are loving all the boxes – their own little kitty playland!

4. Yes, I miss Yoshi. I cried to the state line and pretty much through Nebraska that day. It’s taking me awhile to only set out 3 dog bowls for meals … I keep feeling like I’ve forgotten to feed her!

5. It’s weird to be here and not have a plan to get in the car and drive “home” (to Colorado) or need to check my flight info!

6. I miss Sam like crazy.

7. My skin is happy, my nose is happy, my eyes are happy. I might even start wearing my contacts again. I’ll let you know how happy I am with this increased humidity come July!

8. I can’t wait for my internet to be established … as I am feeling soooo out of it.

9. Until further notice no one needs to ask what I’m doing as I will be … a) unpacking, b) working on the calendar or just working, c) sleeping, d) at Starbucks, e) at Trader Joe’s, f) making up new curse words for all the stuff I have accumulated over 33 years that I brought with me to fit into this postage stamp sized house!

10. Still not eating dairy, gluten, eggs or anything good. Unless, of course, I cheat. Which, lately, has been on a daily basis. 

So, there you have it. I don’t want to talk about me anymore. I don’t want to dwell on all that I have to do – because I have a boat-load of stuff to do. And, honestly, everyone has a boat-load of stuff to do – it’s just different stuff!

So, I’ll continue on but hopefully will be less self-absorbed and can spend more time looking outward instead of looking inward as it’s just not my nature. I just haven’t felt like “me” for quite some time. I know I’ll feel better.

In any case … that’s it for me for the day. How are YOU?!

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