Time …

Day 261

The dog is, once again, in the bathtub.

Mobes is not bathing or soaking in bubbles up to her snout … she is seeking refuge, as she has on and off for most of the day, as we are experiencing round after round of thunderstorms.

In October.

And though it is October it was more akin to and sweetly reminiscent of a rainy day in April. Odd. It was warm and balmy and rainy and very un-October like.

And even though it’s October … all of the rain of late and the winds have rendered most of the trees around me naked. Green one day, turning the next and then … bare branches. I know it didn’t happen overnight – but it seems like it. And it looks like November.

So, it’s October but feels like April and yet it looks like November. I don’t know WHAT month it is. And my days are immersed in working on a calendar for 2013 … so most of the time I don’t know what YEAR it is, either.

I get lost in time. It stands still and is fleeting.

To put it mildly. I am so confused!

Mobes must be, too. I’m sure she thought these scary storms were behind her. I’m thinking she senses the coming of snow with the cooler air and nights … she is very much a cold weather and snow dog. This long day of storms must have thrown her for a loop!

And it got me to wondering about the continuum of time for animals. They don’t read (at least mine don’t). Though I laugh because a few days before Tim passed he was so doped up on morphine and god knows what else that he was hallucinating and he pointed to the dogs and asked me, “Do they read much?” I answered him, “No, honey. I haven’t seen them pick up a magazine or book in quite a while.” He smiled and laughed a bit. I laugh now. I didn’t laugh then.

Anyway – they don’t read. They don’t cook or bowl or play piano. They don’t do much except maybe bark at passersby or a squirrel or two during the day. Sometimes Dori will watch TV with me … always growling at animals or bad guys. It’s actually pretty funny at her timing (especially for a deaf and blind dog!). Other than sleep and eat and go out and lick me … what DO they do all day?

Well … Mobes enjoys knocking over the kitchen garbage can and eating the cat food off the bathroom counter. She’ll also counter surf the kitchen if given the chance. Dori takes every single piece of kleenex out of my office garbage can and shreds it all over my office. And Gertie assists both of them with the garbage can pilfering and cleans out the litter box for me if I forget to put up the gate. So, I guess they do have hobbies.

I wonder if their hours seem like minutes? Or if there hours seem like years? I always seem to get a hero’s welcome when I come into the house from either being gone a week or gone 72 seconds from taking out the garbage. In dog time – how long was I gone?

In any case … time ticks on. Mobes is in the tub, it’s raining and thundering, and I’m pretty sure she’s thinking this day is lasting an eternity.


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