Finding Peace …

Day 328

A while ago I was introduced to a remarkable website that sends me a daily message … more of a life lesson at times … and more than not it is eerily appropriate for the day when read. 

Check out … it’ll do your soul some good.

Today’s posting was about peace. Fitting as it gets to be this time of year when I’ve read and re-read the holiday cards and a lot of my friends wish peace on each other. And though that’s really nice, it got me thinking that if we want peace for others we should really want it for ourselves … maybe even before we wish it for others.

Not in a selfish way … but in a manifestation of sorts … a do as I did-this is how it’s done sort of way.

Finding peace is not as easy as it sounds. In order to attain peace you must give something up. That in itself is a difficult thing to do. Letting go of something is hard because it is uncomfortable. We hold on out of habit or comfort or discomfort … but whatever, it’s familiar and gives us something to lean on.

The first point from today’s post was: Let go of old regrets and excuses. Good advice. Life happens. Sh*t happens. And no matter how hard we try we can’t always choose what is going to happen in our life. What we can do is choose how we are going to feel about what happens in our life. Things that happened in the past are over. Done. History. Maybe we could have done something differently – maybe not. But it doesn’t matter now because it’s old news. There is nothing we can do about it now … it’s merely stuff that already happened. Stop leaning on old, empty excuses for the things that did or didn’t happen in your life. Make peace with your past … and move on.

The second point of today’s post was: Having a burning desire to have all the answers. Let it go. Bad stuff happens. Good stuff happens. We may figure out WHY something happens sixty years from now. We may not. Are you going to waste all your tomorrows trying to figure out why something has happened in your life today? Let it go. Make peace with not knowing. You may never understand something but you can accept it. Open your heart and trust that life will go forward as it should. You don’t have to know or understand it all.

Thirdly: Having false hope of a pain-free life. Pain is part of life … it’s the ying-yang way of things. There are physical and emotional pains along life’s path. Sometimes they are great, sometimes small … but they are always constant. It means you are breathing and still here … growing or moving … and that’s a good thing. Just take it easy and be kind to yourself and ride through the rough, painful times. Things do get better. When you know great pain you are able to know great joy.

The fourth point was: Having ties to insensitive people. If you are to have peace you need to let the universe do its thing. There will always be someone who is disrespectful or ugly or who is upsetting to you. Don’t give in to their negativity. Walk away. Be the bigger person and remember that karma is a bitch. What goes around comes around. They’ll get theirs.

There are more points but you’ll have to visit that website and read them for yourself. Peace is attainable … we just have to work at it a bit.

Let there be peace on Earth.

And let it begin with me.


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