Oh Martha …

Day 354

It’s one of those days where I’ve been fighting a nagging headache for a few days already and today the light in my office seems to be searing into my brain. Not good.

So, the light goes off again and I’m in a dim room as it’s gray out and I just realized … snowing. It’s not much and barely noticeable but there they are … ultra tiny flakes flitting and swirling  around  … never seeming to alight onto anything.

I can hear Gertie snoring from her perch on the chaise down in the living room. That dog does know how to snore! The rest of the house is sleeping … and for 2pm it’s a quiet, cozy day. Too bad it all makes me want to take a nap instead of being at my desk and productive.

Sam is home sick with the flu or the plague … making me wish I wasn’t 1000 miles away. I’d rather be with her and say, “Tsk, tsk. I wish you felt better.” than have to do so from afar. Though I’m not a good nurse at least I could bring her some soup or plump up a pillow or something. Kind of hard to do that from here.

Anyway … to cheer her up in a few days I will send her a couple of articles I ripped out of my Martha Stewart Living magazine last night. After reading them I wondered which of her 5 (or so) houses she (Martha) was in so I could go over and beat the sh*t out of her. Though, she’d probably dry it and use it as fuel or sanitize it and use it in her new human-waste composter ultimately using it to fertilize her many heirloom varieties of endangered plants in her handmade greenhouses.

Oh Martha. I love her magazines. I love that she is so crafty. I love so many of her ideas and decorations. And, I hate her guts.

One of the articles I read last night was about her new “glass house”. She tired of the hoop houses and the cold frames and wanted more (who doesn’t?) such like a glass house. Again, who doesn’t?! So, she had one built. Of course she did. And she probably did it herself, in the middle of the night, while simultaneously knitting mittens from the wool of the sheep she sheared on her sheep farm earlier that day (after washing and carding and spinning it) … and after she made a 14 course breakfast for her farm hands which included jams and jellies and chutneys and pickled items that she canned herself last autumn.

The woman exhausts me.

The “floor” of this glass house is more or less a basement dug out filled with layers of sandy loam and compost and well-composted top soil. Of course it’s also perfectly pH balanced for optimal growth of most vegetables – even endangered varietals.

Of course this glass house has a high, peaked roof and is in a protected, yet sunny location. There are fans and doors and grow lights and hoses … and even a heating system.

I think my house is less decked out than this thing! The picture of it is amazing with its rows of lettuces, chives, tomatoes and whatever else is in there. And there are tropical plants, too. This is their winter home.

I’m wishing it were my winter home.

In any case … kudos to Martha. And Sam will get a kick out of the article. The dogs are still sleeping and as for me – I’m off to clean the litter box and you can be sure I won’t be using it for fertilizer.

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