Oh, my aching back …

Day 362

Today was a really bad sciatica/back day. The double whammy of back badness. Practically intolerable. Days like today I vow to DO SOMETHING about it. But, other than some exercises, getting a massage or downing a horsepill for pain … I just kind of wait it out. It never is great … but it gets better. I don’t even want to think about surgery.

Anyway … I had the television on briefly today and I found myself watching a commercial … for what, I have no idea, but there was a 71 year old jumping on a trampoline.

I was so envious.

And then I was intrigued. I thought, “Hmmmm … if I were to jump like that, it might be a good way to meet a guy!”

Yeah … I hear EMT’s are really nice!

I figure if I jumped on a trampoline that first jump would be my last … and possibly forever. I am as stiff as a board. NOT good. Lumber does not bend easily! I used to be so flexible. I used to do gymnastic maneuvers. There are days now when I can barely bend over to put on my socks!

I was reading an article “Live Longer & Better” … it was one of those quiz things in the paper – and it got me thinking …

The article was one of those that asks questions like … “What is the best way to stay young after the age of 50?” My answer would be to keep saying you’re 49.

The first question asked, “What is the best thing to do to improve your memory after the age of 50?” My answer was … “What? What was I doing? Was I reading something?” Actually the answer was to take a walk. Walking is more beneficial than solving sudokus or crossword puzzles. Just imagine how much you’d remember if you do those AND walk?! (Note: though do not attempt at the same time.)

The next question/statement said that if you are physically active and sociable you can add a whopping 5.4 years to your life! That is a LOT of time. So, keeping that in mind and thinking I’d like an extra 5 years someday … I went to a concert tonight at the library to hear a Russian jazz vocalist. I parked far from the front door (walking) and arrived at the concert (quasi-social). The closest the singer got to being Russian was maybe dating a guy named Vladimir at some time in her life. I left after the second song. Well, I guess I’ll have to settle for 2.7 years added as I increased my walking but didn’t add to my socialization tally.

My favorite question was, “What is the best way to motivate  yourself to be physically active after the age of 40?” I picked option C … which was to put a photo of first lady Michelle Obama’s biceps up on the fridge! I mean, really … have you seen her arms????? Anyway, that was NOT the correct answer (but a good one). Adopting a dog was the correct answer. I guess that is if you actually play or take said dog for a walk more than once a month! Unless you call mopping, vacuuming and shampooing the floors being physically active.

In any case … there I was still thinking about these tidbits of info while watching that guy on the trampoline … thinking how freeing that would be to jump around like he was! In my dreams (only) as I really don’t want to spend the rest of my life (or any time) in a body cast and that’s exactly what I’d be sporting if I jumped anywhere even near a trampoline! 

I was still thinking about this as I came down the stairs – my knees creaking like I was crunching corn flakes underfoot. The article mentioned the best treatment for creaky, arthritic knees was to take up Tai Chi.

So, this weekend I’m going to the Rec Center and look into it. And after trying it out maybe I can up my walking and some day aspire to be like Fauja Singh … she finished the 2011 Toronto Marathon in 8 hours, 25 minutes and 16 seconds … at the ripe YOUNG age of 100!

There’s hope for me yet!

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