Musings, writings, and 30 bucks …

Wednesday, October 29th … just before midnight

I should  be tucked into bed already—but, obviously, I am not! I am up, drinking tea, eyes sleep-weary and half-closed and still I type. One would think I’m on some sort of official, or at least important, deadline—but I’m not. It’s just me, myself and I wanting to share—needing to write.

I think it’s an obsession, my writing, but there is nothing I’d really rather do. At all. And, I guess that means I need to do it! Plain and simple. Or, as grammatically correct as that should be—plainly and simply!

And, I am happy knowing that I am taking steps to get myself “out there” in this, my new, community. My book, “148 Days ~ A Journey of Love and Loss” is in the local bookstore. I’m to drop a copy at the library and another 3 local book stores/book sellers are “looking at it”. I met a book seller from Bellingham and he wants a copy, as well.

Tomorrow my 4th blog post, “Life’s Luxuries”, will appear in the island’s art and cultural online magazine. Check it out at:; I’m “The New Kid on the Block”. (If you’d like to subscribe, it’s free, and every Thursday you’ll get an online e-newsletter sharing what’s what on and around this lovely little island of  mine.)

And, tonight I was honored with second place in a writing contest. I submitted a story, two hours before deadline, just on a whim, for fun, and for a little exercise in writing. The contest was the Whidbey Island Center for the Arts (WICA) 100-word Short Story Smash. This was its 7th year—complete with judges, cash prizes, stage setting, and an appreciative audience. And, had there been a barrel and some monkeys, I’m sure I would have had more fun than they.

There were two performers (readers) on stage (one male/one female) and they read the stories—throwing in accents, pregnant pauses, a look or raised eyebrow when needed for emphasis. The stories were all varied—some funny, some sad, some thought-provoking—and it was easy to sit back in that theater and get lost in the 45-second readings of scenarios that transported us to different places and time, cultures and climates.  It’s amazing what can be said in 100 words!

I’ve never had any of my stories publicly read (blogs and calendars not included!) and it was supremely thrilling to have someone else totally nail the character that somehow came out of my fingers onto my screen.

So, things are coming along…slowly, one baby step at a time…but I’m moving forward with this writing mind of mine. I’ve got a lot of stories in me waiting to get out. I keep telling myself to hurry up but to also be patient. It’s sometimes tough to do both!

So, here’s the $30 second-prize winning 100-word story…Ima Goen. (Read it with a slow, southern drawl and enjoy.)

Ima Goen—

You’d think my mama and daddy were humorous folks. Not so. Contrarily, my name defies their stern nature. My name is Ima Goen—and that’s what I plan on doin’.

I’m sick of sayin’ Ima Goen…’cause I know someone’s gonna ask me, “Where?”

It ain’t funny. So, I’m a goin’. I don’t know where…and I don’t know when…but I’m a goin’ somewhere where I can breathe air so fresh my lungs will laugh.

Today’s not the day. But one day I’ll just go. And when I do…I’ll no longer be Ima Goen—I’ll be Ima Gone.


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